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Nik Collection with version 6.3

DxO announces landmark moment for Nik Collection with version 6.3

It is a big day for Nik Collection. Today’s release of the world’s favorite set of photo-editing plugins for Photoshop...

DxO ViewPoint 4

DxO ViewPoint 4

The software that fixes geometry and perspective, introduces the powerful new ReShape tool to help perfect any shot. DxO ViewPoint...

Nik Collection 5

Major upgrades to Colour Efex and Analog Efex, improved local adjustment technology, and a smoother user experience. The latest version...

Nik Collection 4.2: Optimized Experience for Adobe Photoshop Users on Mac M1

The creative suite also improves the performance of its software plugin, Nik Silver Efex, the indisputable leader in black-and-white conversion....

The fourth version of the Nik Collection software suite now boasts powerful new tools and an even more user-friendly experience.

The fourth version of the Nik Collection software suite now boasts powerful new tools and an even more user-friendly experience.

An industry leader in the field of creative photography, Nik Collection 4 by DxO now features Meta Presets, improved U...

PortraitPro v19 Launched

Anthropics Launches PortraitPro 19 with Intelligent Skin Smoothing, Enhanced Hair Retouching, Expression Sliders, Interactive Tutorials, And More. Anthropics Technology announced...