
Home » Qualification

Nick Lane ASINWP

Nick Lane qualifies with The Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers

Nick Lane submitted his submission panel for qualification and was awarded a Associate Qualification by our experienced team of judges....

Jayne Mapp successful Licentiate submission LSWPP

Jayne Mapp qualifies with The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers

Jayne submitted her submission panel for qualification and was awarded a Licentiate Qualification by our experienced team of judges. Watch...

Jo Rickatson qualifies with The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers

Jo submitted her submission panel for qualification and was awarded a Licentiate Qualification by our experienced team of judges. Watch...

Stephen Dauris successful Licentiate submission LSWPP

Stephen qualifies with The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers

Stephen submitted his submission panel for qualification this year and was awarded a Licentiate Qualification by our experienced team of...

Chris Miller LSWPP

Chris Miller qualifies with The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers

Chris submitted his pet photography panel for qualification this year and was awarded a Licentiate Qualification by our experienced team...

Jugbir Dhillon ASWPP

Jugbir Dhillon qualifies with The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers

Jugbir Dhillon submitted his submission panel for qualification at the 2023 Convention and was awarded a Associate Qualification by our...

Successful Qualification Applicants

Successful Qualification Submissions at the 2023 Convention

A huge Congratulations to the successful submission at the London Photography Convention. The judging process was held in public, so...

Ross Grieve ASWPP

Ross Grieve Qualifies with The Societies of Photographers

Ross has been a valued member of The Societies of Photographers for a number of years now and had his...

Tianna Jarrett-Williams Qualifies with The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers

Tianna Jarrett-Williams Qualifies with The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers

Tianna submitted her maternity panel and the team of experienced judges awarded Tianna a Licentiate Qualification. Take a look at...

Tracey Lund FSINWP

Tracey Lund FSINWP Qualifies with Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers

Tracey’s Nature panel was submitted at the Judging School 2022 and was awarded the highest distinction a Fellowship. The panel...