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Peter Rooney FSWPP

Peter Rooney qualifies with The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers

Peter submitted his panel for a Fellowship qualification and was awarded a Fellowship of The Society of Wedding and Portrait...

Gemma Sains successful Fellowship submission FSWPP

Gemma Sains qualifies with The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers

Gemma submitted her submission panel for qualification at this year’s Convnetion and was awarded a Fellowship Qualification by our experienced...

Kelly Brown FSWPP

Kelly Brown qualifies with The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers

Kelly submitted his panel for qualification at the 2023 Convention in London, the team of experienced judges awarded the submission...

Kris Anderson IFSWPP

Kris Anderson Qualifies with The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers

Kris Anderson submitted his submission panel for qualification at the 2023 Convention and was awarded a Fellowship Qualification by our...

Clare Osborne IFSWPP

Clare Osborne qualifies with The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers

Clare submitted his panel for qualification at the 2023 Convention in London, the team of experienced judges awarded the submission...

Belinda Richards FSWPP

Belinda Richards qualifies with The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers

Belinda submitted her panel for qualification at the 2023 Convention in London, the team of experienced judges awarded the submission...

Iain Poole FSICIP

Iain Poole qualifies with The Society of International Commercial and Industrial Photographers

Iain submitted his panel for qualification at the 2023 Convention in London, the team of experienced judges awarded the submission...

Terry Donnelly qualifies with The Society of Photographers

Terry Donnelly qualifies with The Society of Photographers

Terry submitted his printed panel at the 2022 Convention and was awarded a IFSWPP (Illustrative Fellow). Check out the video...