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Professional Imagemaker October–November 2023 now available online

Imagemaker Oct Nov 23

The October-November 2023 issue of Professional Imagemaker magazine is now available online.

The 100-page issue is filled full of tutorials for photographers, including:

Angela Adams talks to Claire Osborne
Claire Osborne – Fellowship
Tools Not Rules – Joe Lenton
Cosplay – Iain Poole
Picture Analysis 2 – Cristina Pascu-Tulbure
Photography Domes
Photoshop 2024 – Mike McNamee & Cristina Pascu-Tulbure
DxO Photolab 7
Dark Skies Revisited
Affinity Photo 2 – Astrophotography
Ramon Sammut – Fellowship
Clive Figes – A World without Clients
NHM – Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Jane Allan – Lightroom Histograms
Adobe 2023–2024 Upgrades
Montizambert 85 – Lighting Black on Black
Societies’ Street Competition
Competitions – July
Competitions – August

The cover picture is by Sarah Edmunds – Creative Portrait Photographer of the Year 2022

The October-November 2023 issue of Professional Imagemaker magazine is now available online at:

Members gain complimentary access to the Digital Edition as part of their membership.

You can also subscribe to Professional Imagemaker magazine for just £36 a year.

For more information on this photographic magazine, check out the following website: https://thesocieties.net/professionalimagemaker/

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