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PhotoTEQ Limited acquires the business of Just Limited

Just Limited Sensor Cleaning

PhotoTEQ a leading UK distributor of products from leading global brands, is pleased to confirm the transfer of business from Just Limited.

Peter Brogden of Just Limited says, “Having been a part of the UK photo trade since 1980 initially in the supply of photo processing equipment, I am looking forward to partial retirement, whilst maintaining a handover period to Paul. I am proud to have assembled distribution of the best sensor cleaning products, but happy to now pass my brands and knowledge onto PhotoTEQ for the future growth as the need for specialist cleaning products with digital cameras increases together with other technical sensing devices.”

He continues, “I would like to thank all our customers, both within the trade, but also end consumers for their custom over the past 17 years. I won’t be sitting back and gathering dust just yet, I’ll with working together with Paul for a couple of years more.”

Paul Genge “Having been part of the UK photo trade for the past 30 years and collaborated in the development and launch of some of the most innovative mirrorless style of cameras, I am only too aware of the need for users to maintain a clean sensor to enable high quality image capture. With the range of products that ‘Just’ has available to both the trade and photographers and filmmakers we have the perfect solution to meet those needs.”

‘Just’ is established as the leading authority in digital sensor cleaning and film cleaning, representing their own Just brand as well as Dust Aid, Dust Patrol, Photosol, Kinetronics. Camera protection systems from easyCover and camera carrying solutions from b-grip.

Everything you need to grow your Photography business.

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