
Home » Blog » June 2018 Photographic Competitions – Open to both members and non-members alike

June 2018 Photographic Competitions – Open to both members and non-members alike

The Societies of Photographers are pleased to launch June’s Photographic Competitions.

We would like to thank all those who have previously entered The Societies of Photographers’ monthly open to all photographic competitions. This month we launch another three competitions for you to enter and we look forward to seeing more stunning images.

Entries are invited from everyone who is interested in photography.

Discovering Nature Photography Competition

Discovering Nature Photography Competition

It’s a wild and wonderful world, we would love to see however you want to portray the wild world, whether it’s wild animals to wild weather, let’s see your images entered.


On Your Travels Photography Competition

On Your Travels Photography Competition

Travel photography is becoming more and more popular as people are travelling all the around the world with their camera in hand. This competition is open to anyone who been taking pictures of anything you see on your travels. We can’t wait to see your entries.


The Big Day Photography Competition

big day photo comp

Here is your opportunity to show your creativity by entering this The Big Day photography competition. We want to see your best images of the bride and grooms big wedding day. From venues to whole wedding party group shots, show us the beautiful couple on the day.


 SINWP Bird Photographer of the Year Competition

Also don’t forget to enter the Bird Photographer of the Year Competition in aid of RSPB

If you love taking pictures of birds then we invite you to enter the SINWP Bird Photographer of the Year Competition and help raise vital funds for The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).

This is your chance to showcase your talent and help raise funds in aid of the RSPB. We are holding a bird photography competition and would love to see your images entered.


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