
Home » Blog » June 2016 Photographic Competitions – Open to both members and non-members alike

June 2016 Photographic Competitions – Open to both members and non-members alike

The Societies of Photographers are pleased to launch June’s Photographic Competitions.

We would like to thank all those who have previously entered The Societies of Photographers’ monthly photographic competitions. This month we launch another four competitions for you to enter and we look forward to seeing more stunning images.

Entries are invited from everyone who is interested in photography.

The Art of Nature Photography Competition

, June 2016 Photographic Competitions – Open to both members and non-members alike

This months theme is ‘The Art of Nature‘. Images that show nature at it’s most beauty. http://sinwp.com/aon/

Wedding Bells Photography Competition

Wedding Bells Photography Competition


Out and About Photography Competition

Out and About Photography Competition

This months travel photography competition is ‘Out and About’. Images are welcome from anything you have captured on your travels. http://sittp.com/out/

All Sports Photography Competition

All Sports Photography Competition

With the 2016 Olympics in Rio, the Euro 2016 Football Championships in France, Copa America, as well as Wimbledon and all the other great sporting events happening this year, now is the best time for our ‘All Sports Photography Competition’. We look forward in seeing the best sporting and action images http://sislp.com/all/

Everything you need to grow your Photography business.

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