
Home » Blog » December Photographic Competitions – Open to both members and non-members alike

December Photographic Competitions – Open to both members and non-members alike

The Societies are pleased to launch December’s Photographic Competitions.

We would like to thank all those who have previously entered The Societies’ monthly photographic competitions. This month we launch another two competitions for you to enter and we look forward to seeing more stunning images.

Entries are invited from everyone who is interested in photography.

Wild Planet

, December Photographic Competitions – Open to both members and non-members alike

This month we are looking for images from thunderous storms through to wild animals competing for survival in the wilderness.

We are looking for great technique and excellence of photography so remember to submit images with good lighting, exposure and compositional elements.  Finally presentation can give your images that finishing touch so consider putting a border around the image and use a post-production to give your images that little extra.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

This month we are looking for images depicting travel, whether it be flying high or zipping across the land via 4 wheels or tracks. Anything that shows the emphasis of travel.

Trial Membership

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