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May Photographic Competitions – Open to both members and non-members alike

DxO Optics Pro 9

The Societies are pleased to launch May’s Photographic Competitions.

We would like to thank all those who have previously entered The Societies’ monthly photographic competitions. This month we launch another four competitions for you to enter and we look forward to seeing more stunning images.

This month there is an extra incentive to enter not only will the overall winner of each competition receive 12 months membership to The Societies, they will also win a full copy of  DxO Optics Pro 9 worth £119.

Entries are invited from everyone who is interested in photography.

Water Photography Competition
This month’s competition focuses on ‘water’ and gives entrants the opportunity to enter images that depict this vital element of life. Images may simply be seascapes or what lies underneath the waves. It could also be rivers and how they influence or landscape. Alternatively the images could be of how water gives life to all living plants or creatures. Or just show us your own interpretation of this month’s theme.

Newborn Photography Competition
This month we invite entries of the tiniest youngest members of our society focusing on ‘newborns’. The images may concentrate on just the infant or the interaction of parents with their new offspring. The images may be taken in the studio or environmentally – colour or black and white, it is up to you.

Vacation Photographic Competition
Places that you have visited which are memorable or just incredible is the theme of this month’s competition vacation. Images can depict how we get there what we see or who is there.

Taking Part Photography Competition
This photographic competition focuses on sport and the competitors. Images from any sport are welcome to be entered and must show the contribution or effort that the principle subject is making to either win personally or to achieve the objects of the team.

Trial Membership

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