
Home » The Societies’ Photographer of the Year 2009 » Wedding Bridal Portraiture Photographer of the Year 2009

Gordon Jovic

Wedding Bridal Portraiture Photographer of the Year 2009

Gordon Jovic

Winner Gordon Jovic

Clean well lit image. The Image shows expression of the joyful of the day. Good use of the dress as a background.

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Unfortunately Gordon couldn’t make it from Australia but he sent these few words:

Dear colleagues,

I would have loved to experience the atmosphere surrounded by so many talented photographers in this wonderful venue this evening but I am a million miles away down under tonight however certainly thinking of you.

A big thank you to the SWPP for organising the event but also both the monthly and annual awards which has no doubt contributed in raising the bar photographically for all of us. I highly respect the work of so many of you here in this room that I often visit your websites for ideas and inspiration. I hope to meet you all in the near future so until then please keep on producing wonderful work!

Thank you!
