
Home » The Societies’ Photographer of the Year 2009 » Special Award – Janet Pemberton

Janet Pemberton

Special Award – Janet Pemberton

Janet Pemberton
Paul Taylor Societies Marketing Manager and Janet Pemberton

One of our special awards was for Janet Pemberton who after 40 years has left the photographic Industry but we are very honoured that she came to the Societies Convention for Calumet.

She started working in her teens at Fishwicks then Hargreaves which become KJP all big names of our Photographic industry – how it has changed.

As time went by Janet moved companies and joined H A West, which became Calumet Photographic where she stay until earlier this year I know that Phil has known her for all those years and whenever you phoned you always got a happy voice.

In September 2009 Peter and Janet decided to get married as Peter’s job was taking him back to Germany. So Janet finally left Calumet in October 2009 after a long career in the world of social photography.
