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Do photographers need professional indemnity insurance?

Do photographers need professional indemnity insurance?

Article by Aaduki Multimedia Insurance  As with any profession that deals directly with clients, the risk of making a mistake and...

Aaduki Multimedia Insurance 

Do you have the right insurance cover for your photography equipment?

Article by Aaduki Multimedia Insurance  You’ve set up your photography business. You’ve invested in your cameras, lenses, lighting and other expensive...

Aaduki Multimedia Insurance 

Why is public liability insurance essential for photographers?

Article by Aaduki Multimedia Insurance  Whether you find yourself out roaming rural locations capturing outstanding natural beauty or indoors in...

Your insurers need to know… even if they don’t ask

When you insure a property, business, contents or assets you’ll be asked about construction, locks and alarms and many other...

PhotoShield backing up photographers

PhotoShield backing up photographers

UK specialist photography insurers PhotoShield are to return with improved support from Performance Film & Media. With twenty years behind them...