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Focused Professional Podcast: Building a Flourishing Photography Business with Gary Hughes

Focused Professional Podcast: Gary Hughes

We begin season 2 of The Focused Professional Podcast with another world class international photographer and educator, Gary Hughes. He is particularly known and in demand for his headshot photography. Gary recently put himself through the adrenaline-inducing ordeal of having his work scrutinised by a panel of 5 judges (one of whom was your host Joe Lenton) to gain his Fellowship qualification with The Society of Photographers. In this episode he starts by sharing how he found the process both terrifying and rewarding. We then delve deep into his experiences of running a photography business that have led to his success today.

Gary isn’t afraid of change – on the contrary – he embraces it and uses it to adapt his business and flourish. He takes us through various ways in which we can keep track of the vital signs of our businesses and make decisions about our next steps. For Gary, the path to success isn’t just about financial security, but is driven by ambition and the pursuit of accomplishment, as well as quite simply enjoying time with his family.

Gary Hughes

There is plenty of useful advice here for both new and more experienced photographers. Gary encourages listeners to guard their creativity by prioritizing commercial viability and reinforces how crucial it is to make swift business decisions rooted in practicality. He encourages entrepreneurs to put processes in place, such as outsourcing certain tasks, that ultimately make for a more balanced and enjoyable workspace.

From selecting the right work to prioritizing your own well-being, this episode presses the need for business acumen among creative individuals. As Gary shares his journey of successful transition from generalist to a specific genre photographer, he reiterates the power of a strong value proposition and choosing the “right people.” Through real-world examples and personal anecdotes, Gary challenges popular ideas and provides an honest and realistic roadmap for building a fulfilling, self-sustaining creative enterprise. It is a must-listen for emerging photographers looking to navigate this ever evolving, fast-paced industry with an innovative and persevering mindset.

Gary Hughes
Gary Hughes

Proudly sponsored by The Society of Photographers


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