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10 Tips for a Perfect Photobook

Ready to create the perfect Photobook?

Here are our top 10 tips to bring your story to life and create a perfectly balanced Photobook using the Saal Digital’s software.

1. Take care of your cover

Use an iconic photo for the cover, as it is going to represents what you are going to find inside. You can also use a material that has a special finish. Furthermore, you can decorate it with text and cliparts.

Perfect Photobook Cover

2. Organise your photos

Try to follow a coherent order when designing the pages of your photobook, based for example on days, themes or places to maintain attention and interest.

On Saal Design Software you can organise the photos based on different factors in just a click.

3. Start with an introduction

It’s always good to start with an introduction to prepare the viewers for what they are going to see.

Take advantage of the customisable inside front cover, to write something on it, this is perfect for Wedding Photo Books.

Perfect Photobook Introduction Page

4. Apply Hierarchies

Give priority to the most important photos, while keeping those less relevant photos smaller.

Likewise, wide-angle photos require more space than close-ups. Remember, you can always use the layouts in Saal Design Software to be sure every element will be placed correctly.

5. Give your photos space

It is very important to leave some margins between your photos.

White spaces work as a relaxation moment to move from one image to another. They also help create hierarchy between photos.

6. Use Additional Elements with the Same Style

You can give an extra touch to your photobook by adding backgrounds, frames, and cliparts. However, it is very important to keep the harmony among all the elements.

To help you with that, the software has a wide range of Design Lines, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your requirements. Making sure you maintain the same style throughout the book.

7. Give a Double Page to your best photos

Make an impact on your album by giving your best photos the space they deserve, taking advantage of the layflat binding.

You can drag the photo over the album to use as a background and then reframe it as you want.

Double Page Photobook

8. Use only one font family

Try to use just one font family and play with its variations and aspects. In the text editor you will find plenty of options to modify the aspect of your text and create hierarchies of the same font family.

9. Keep it simple

As a general rule, keep your design as simple as possible. Each element needs its own space, and they should not compete against each other.

10. Take care of the end

Like the front cover, how we finish our album is also important.

Try to find a photo that closes your story.

And don’t forget you can also take advantage of the inside back cover to capture one last message.

Now it’s your turn Download Saal Design Software here:

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