
Home » Blog » Would you like to vote in the latest SuperDog of the Month competition?

Would you like to vote in the latest SuperDog of the Month competition?

superdog photo competition

SuperDog of the Month is the only UK photography competition where your customers could win:

  • 1 of 5 £25 Pets at Home vouchers
  • £1000 in the SuperDog of the Year competition

The competition raises funds for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People via a £1.50 donation for each entry.

SWPP members votes will help decide the 5 winners for each competition who qualify for the annual £1000 prize. Apart from the £1.50 donation to Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, it is free for any SWPP member to enter SuperDog of the Month.

Certificates are awarded to all winners, including studios, and each image entered features the name of the studio, providing free publicity and increased awareness of the participating studio.

There is also a £50 cash award to the photographer who takes the best 3 images chosen by Hearing Dogs for Deaf People from each competition.

To choose your own top-10, view the latest entries at https://www.superdogofthemonth.co.uk/super-dog-of-the-month-judging/

Please provide your judging by 5PM, Friday 28TH July 2023

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