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New free update boosts performance and improves batch processing and color grading capabilities

Radiant Photo delivers superior quality finished photos in record time. With its latest update, the photo editor gets even faster and more convenient to use. By constantly listening to Radiant Photo users and improving the software based on valuable feedback, the team delivers on its promise: Helping photographers to bring out the full potential of their photographs.

Radiant Photo uses smart image analysis and applies changes on a pixel-by-pixel basis without over- processing photos. Whether photographers rely on Radiant Photo’s automatic enhancements and use batch processing or love to tweak the software’s suggestion manually for every image – great results and editing speed are paramount. The new update 1.1.1 which is now shipping delivers improvements in three areas, all of which make processing your images faster than ever: batch processing, performance boosts, and color grading.

Elia Locardi, professional photographer and CEO of Radiant Imaging Labs:

“In recent months, we noticed a trend that a lot of new AI services for photographers rely on cloud processing. This means, you pay extra for data transfers and lose a lot of time in the process. Even worse, because full-size 16-bit files would be too big for the cloud, you often lose on quality when only low quality proxy files are transferred. Radiant Photo does everything on your local computer, delivering consistent results using its proprietary technology and industry-leading color science. With no variable
costs at all: You just pay once for our software. Our latest update shows how committed the team is in improving the user experience, this time focusing on speed.”

Batch processing improvements
Update 1.1.1 adds two new features that improve the ability to batch-process photos:

Radiant Photo Software

● Process entire folders. Just choose “File > Open Folder” to select an entire folder of images to process. The folder can even have subfolders within it. The only limitation for how many images that can be opened at once is the amount of RAM in the user’s system.
● Navigate faster. Inside the filmstrip, users will now find a third button: Clicking on the folder icon reveals the file’s original location. This is useful if you want to go back to the original location of an image to grab more files or to check on file details. The other two options include saving the file or closing it without storing the changes.

Radiant Photo update history
Since the launch of Radiant Photo in September 2022, the team has spent hundreds of hours listening to users, reading feedback from the community and translating it into action to make Radiant Photo better. While new features matter, really listening to customer requests is critical.

With the first minor updates, flaws of the first version were fixed, more and more Raw file support was added and some new features have been implemented. The major update 1.1 added a new color grading workspace to the software, giving users even more creative options. The new update 1.1.1 focuses on performance and improved batch processing.

Compatibility, languages, availability, and pricing
Radiant Photo runs as standalone software on Windows and macOS. Radiant Photo is performance optimized for ARM processors which are used in Apple’s M1 and M2 computers. It can also be used as a native plugin inside Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom Classic and Corel PaintShop Pro.

Radiant Photo supports the following languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish.

Radiant Photo is available from radiantimaginglabs.com. It includes a six month Buyer Protection: No matter when you buy, you will always receive six months of update assurance for your purchased product. While most software companies only offer this level of buyer protection for 15 or 30 days for purchased products, you will get the full updates for free for six months no matter what. Also, there is a 30-day money back guarantee in place, so every customer has 30 days to try everything out and decide if they want to keep using Radiant Photo or not.

Pricing for Radiant Photo starts at $129 / €139 / £129 for either the standalone version or the plugin version. Those customers who want both options, standalone and plugin, opt for the bundle at $159 / €169 / £159. In case you wonder, why prices seem higher outside of the US: Traditionally, US prices are before any state tax, prices in Europe are always inclusive of VAT.

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