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Your insurers need to know… even if they don’t ask

When you insure a property, business, contents or assets you’ll be asked about construction, locks and alarms and many other relevant things. But you may not be asked for some details which could impact the success of a claim. You should still tell them, say specialist insurers PhotoShield.

, Your insurers need to know… even if they don’t ask

For photographers, one of these is whether you share your working space. Without actually sub-letting or offering hire, many studios have informal deals with freelancers to have agreed use of the space and sometimes of equipment. It may be paid or given in return for assistant or post-production work. However, if anyone who is not an employee or renting studio time with a formal contract has access to your business, it’s something you should let your insurance company know from the start. There may be little or no effect on your premiums, but if you don’t make it known then a claim resulting from their access or use of insured subjects could be refused.

Similarly, for anyone offering Airbnb accommodation or having people stay in their home under the Government’s lodger or refugee hosting schemes, the same applies even if other insurance cover is provided. You should keep a record of everyone given access or given a lockbox or keypad code. Top tip – change codes frequently!
Visit the website www.photoshield.co.uk

Contact information:

t: 01274 518366 e: info@photoshield.co.uk  w: www.photoshield.co.uk


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