
Home » Blog » The Photography Retreat is back! Manage your wedding photography without breaking a sweat!

The Photography Retreat is back! Manage your wedding photography without breaking a sweat!

Photography Retreat

The Photography Retreat is back this October (Wednesday 12th – Friday 14th October 2022), and we are very excited to collaborate with Juno Weddings Planners, who have set themselves apart from other wedding planners by sourcing the right suppliers for a stress-free wedding journey. This is a perfect collaboration, as here at the Photography Retreat we teach and pass on our knowledge to make wedding photography as stress-free as possible.

Founder of Juno Weddings Jenny Lane, will be curating wedding inspired spaces within Coombe Abbey, so we can re-enact those important key moments that make a wedding day so special creating a unique workshop where our delegates not only walk away with a beautiful portfolio, that they will feel confident and empowered to share on their website, but they will also have a beautiful print, courtesy of One Vision Imaging.

After an afternoon of shooting our wedding scenes, we edit one of our favourite images to upload to One Vision Imaging to be printed and collected the following day, during a Lab tour and talk my Paul Johnson on how to sell and up-sell our products.

We believe it is important for our delegates to take away with a tangible print with the sole purpose of having a displaying product to be used at wedding fairs or client meetings, so our photographers can demonstrate their unique skills and talent.

Our October’s workshop is tailored to photographers who are wishing to improve their skills, taking the stress out of weddings, managing client expectations and creating signature wedding photography that supports their brands. We want to support and nurture talent, allowing our photographer to flourish creativity.


We would also invite amateur photographers who have the creativity, passion and drive to start up new wedding photography businesses, and help them to create a second income and financial freedom during this difficult economic crisis,

Having started my own wedding photography business some 15 years ago, all I had was a low to midrange camera system, images from a friend’s wedding and one wedding album to showcase. I felt like a fraud and suffered from Imposter Syndrome for years.

Now through education, experience and industry connections, we want to help photographers create a personal master plan to help them build thriving wedding photography businesses, so they can feel confident and passionate about their business both creatively and economically.

Tickets are on sale now and we are offering 10% off to members of The Society of Photographers who are sponsoring our event.

Aaduki Multimedia Insurance - Insurance for Photographers

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