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Read all about it – Members in the news!

, Read all about it – Members in the news!

The 2021 SINWP Bird Photographer of the Year, has proved to be a huge success for our members.

We have received lots of outstanding work from all over the globe. An additional benefit is that the photographic press and national newspapers have picked up the feeds and published it further.

Recently the winning photographs have been published in the Daily Mail, Daily Record, Daily Star, Detik (Indonesia), Digital Camera World, Metro, Scotland Herald, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The National and The Times – that’s an estimated reach of over 5 million readers seeing our members’ work; it’s all good stuff.

Also, The Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8260269/Tiny-sedge-warbler-taunts-cuckoo-twice-size-years-best-nature-photograph.htm

Red-Billed Oxpecker on buffalo wins annual birding photography contest (Digital Camera World)

Karya Jawara Kontes Foto Burung Bikin Terkesima (Detik)

RSPB benefits from bird photo contest (Amateur Photographer)

portrait professional

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