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Judges Training Day 2021.

Earlier this week Head of Judges Terrie Jones and CEO Colin Jones travelled to Coventry to spend time with The Societies Judging Team.

, Judges Training Day 2021.

The training event, which was held at One Vision Imaging, was designed as a safe space for Judges to come together, refresh their knowledge on rules and procedures, and take part in ‘mock judging’ of 20×16 prints before taking part in the live judging event at The Societies Convention 2022.

Terrie Jones says It was absolutely wonderful to see everybody this week! It’s been such a long time since so many of us have been together, and it was good to be able to re-connect with our team in person. The recent pandemic, and the restrictions put in place because of it, has resulted in our team not having judged in person together for far too long. We wanted to bring the team together to give them a refresher and a chance to get comfortable judging as a team once again. Overall, I feel the day went really well! We had plenty of in depth discussion about scenarios which may arise during the judging at The Convention, and we were able to give our Junior Judges and Chairpersons a chance to flex their muscles in their new roles too… Which has made everybody feel more relaxed and confident.’

CEO Colin Jones agrees, saying We brought the team together to let them have some practice as it’s been a good two years since they have sat together on panels. The day was initially intended to be a one off, but based on the feedback from the Judges who attended the event we are now planning on making this an annual occurrence. It’s so important that the training of our Judges does not end once a Junior Judge graduates their two year training programme and passes their final assessment, having training days such as these will not only serve to ensure our Judges are sure of the correct judging procedures, but will strengthen their bonds with each other… this will result in our team only getting stronger as we add to our numbers over the coming years.’

If you are interested in joining The Societies Judging Team please contact Terrie Jones direct (terrie@thesocieties.net) for dates of the next Judging School.

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