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Jeff Brown The Photographers’ Mentor releases new book The Ambitious Photographer’s Journal

The Ambitious Photographer's Journal

The Ambitious Photographer’s Journal is a new book by Jeff Brown – The Photographers’ Mentor.

The book is perfect for photographers looking to overcome procrastination, banish self-doubt and imposter syndrome with effective success goals setting and better time management in your photography business.

Photography success is achieved on a daily basis, it seldom happens overnight. BUT by developing an easy to maintain goal-driven habit, you’ll see the small daily steps start to pay off with BIG RESULTS.

The Ambitious Photographer’s Journal is a 52-week productivity routine, it can be started at any time throughout the year as the pages are not date specific. You DON’T have to wait till the 1st of January to start changing the direction of your business and achieving the success you deserve.

Your Success Journal is broken down into four sections, each section teaches you the techniques to effective goal setting.

  • Setting Big Ambitious Goals that Produce Amazing Results
  • Effectively Managing Your Goals Weekly and Monthly to Keep you on Track
  • How to use the Power of Opportunity and Collaboration to Grow Fast
  • Tips to Keeping the Consistency Going with just One Simple Task and 1 Post Each Day

Time to get some direction, take control of your photography business future, achieve the goals and rewards you deserve while doing the job you love.

You don’t need to work harder, just work smarter.

Take these small steps each and every day then see your efforts compound to produce amazing results. It’s not rocket science, just consistency channelled in the right direction, but it feels like magic.

Buy The Ambitious Photographer’s Journal now.

Everything you need to grow your Photography business.

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