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The Societies of Photographers announces Colin Jones as CEO

Colin Jones The Societies of Photographers CEO
Colin Jones – The Societies of Photographers CEO

The Societies of Photographers today announced that Colin Jones will be taking over the role of Chief Executive Officer of the photographic association.

Colin has been working for The Societies of Photographers for the past 15 years, and he has been instrumental in building the association and developing the “Benefits of Membership” to further improve the services they offer to their members.

Whilst Phil and Juliet Jones have stepped down from working full-time with The Societies of Photographers, they are still very much part of the team, offering help and support, and being part of the Board of Directors.

Colin Jones The Societies of Photographers CEO says, “I would like to thank Phil and Juliet for all their support and encouragement over the past 20 months, as I have been gradually taking more responsibility for the running of the organisation.”

He continues, “I’m looking forward to continuing to push The Societies of Photographers forward, and make sure we are maintaining the best value and support for our members, whilst exploring new ventures.”

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