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Covid-19 photography industry update

We are really pleased with the outcome of a meeting held today to create a common voice for our industry in this time of uncertainty and crisis for many.

Today launched the “Coalition of Photographers” a united voice of photography associations and photography trade.

At this first meeting were:

Ray Lowe – The Master Photographers Association
Martin Baynes – The British Institute of Professional Photography
Steve & Lesley Thirsk – The Guild of Photographers
Colin Jones – The Societies of Photographers
Karen Massey – RISE
Debbie Bedford and Shaun Ferry – Loxley Colour
Jeremy Price – Graphistudio

We all agreed an outline plan that will result in a day of action to target Government on 12th of October 2020.

We are inviting more professional photography related associations and businesses to come together as a part of this coalition.

It will include as many members / customers from all parties to bring together, all whom are being affected by the inequality of the current policies, with one voice and one plan of action.

In particular, it will highlight and provide credible solutions to help the many missing out on support grants and to resolve the significant inconsistencies in the policies on gatherings such as weddings and other events that you earn your living from.

Please watch out here and across the industry and be ready to support this initiative.

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