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Fujifilm and One Vision Imaging Challenge All Photographers To ‘Print To Prove It’

Print To Prove It

Are you printing professionally?

Photographers at all levels are frequently being disappointed by the quality of their prints due to using substandard print technology, say industry experts Fujifilm and One Vision Imaging.

Unknowingly, many photographers are opting for poor quality photography prints, but the truth is all photographers can benefit from excellent print quality when they choose the correct print technology and materials. In fact, to prove just how far the advancements of prolab-standard prints on Fujifilm photographic paper have come, the two industry champions are willing to offer free-of-charge prints as part of their ‘Print to Prove It’ campaign.

Originally started in 2018 as a trial pioneered by Derek Poulston, the owner of professional photographic laboratory, One Vision Imaging, the campaign has now been launched in collaboration with Fujifilm as a permanent fixture for 2020. The aim is to allow even more photographers of all abilities to take up the challenge and Print to Prove It.

The campaign can’t come at a better time, says Fujifilm and One Vision Imaging, who believe that now more than ever before industry professionals need to prioritise quality printing to showcase how the medium can rival digital image sharing when done the right way.

Jon Sareen, Fujifilm Business Manager at Fujifilm, explains: “We’re passionate about the photography journey, from photo capture to quality print. Each step is important, but for all photographers, it is the finished print that will often be the lasting legacy which showcases the quality of their work. As a result, getting the print right is hugely important as a low-quality version could lead to poor perceptions of photographers’ work. This is why we are proud to support photographers to take the step to achieving better quality prints and see the difference first-hand when they order a free professional print as part of this campaign.”

Derek Poulston, Owner of One Vision Imaging, adds: “I am passionate about photographic printing and want to show as many people as possible the difference in quality when they choose to print professionally. This is why the Print to Prove It challenge has been created, and with Fujifilm’s support, I look forward to seeing it continue to grow. It doesn’t matter if you are a professional or an amateur, all photographers stand to benefit from reviewing and improving how they print their work.”

Don’t forget to use hashtag #PrintToProveIt once your fantastic prints have arrived.

Postage and packaging must be paid for all free prints.

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