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Togetherness Photography Competition – Results Announced

We are pleased to announce the results for our free to enter, open to members and non-members alike ‘Togetherness Photography Competition’

Congratulations to Md Shamim Ul Islam from Chittagong, Bangladesh with this image entitled ‘Window of Friendship’

Winning image entitled 'Window of Friendship'
Winning image entitled ‘Window of Friendship’

Md Shamim Ul Islam has won a copy of Nik Collection 2 by DxO software worth £125, One year Free Membership of any of our Societies – which includes: entry to all of our membership only competitions – unrestricted access to our members’ photography forum – access to our members only Facebook group – listing on our directory – qualifications and distinctions through submission of images – the winner will also receive our magazine Professional Imagemaker for 12 months, also a Masterclass Day Pass to use at the 2020 Convention (worth £50).

2nd place and 3rd place also check out the highly commendeds

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