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HOYA Filters Launch ‘Shoot at Home’ Campaign

HOYA Filters Launch 'Shoot at Home' Campaign

We are all facing a crazy and frustrating period, with the spread of COVID-19 forcing us to remain isolated for an unknown period of time. Most of us are stuck at home, but that does not mean that our imagination and creativity should be put on hold. No matter where we are; in large apartment, small room or garage, with a small garden or just a window-box, there are still lots of ways to keep shooting and brush up on your skills, using everyday items which you have around.

HOYA have asked several of their ambassadors to come up with ideas of what can be achieved and have put together a dedicated page: bit.ly/shootathome which showcases some amazing examples that HOYA filter fans have shot at home. They hope this content may inspire you and help to improve your skills, even during Lockdown.

Go ahead and share your photos with the world!

#shootathome #hoyafilter #hoyafilters #shotback


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