
Home » Blog » June 2017 Photographic Competitions – Open to both members and non-members alike

June 2017 Photographic Competitions – Open to both members and non-members alike

The Societies of Photographers are pleased to launch June’s Photographic Competitions.

We would like to thank all those who have previously entered The Societies of Photographers’ monthly open to all photographic competitions. This month we launch another three competitions for you to enter and we look forward to seeing more stunning images.

Entries are invited from everyone who is interested in photography.

Win – One year Free Digital Membership of any of our Societies!

Newborn Photography Competition

Newborn Photography Competition

This month we invite entries of the tiniest youngest members of our society focusing on ‘newborns’. The images may concentrate on just the infant or the interaction of parents with their new offspring. The images may be taken in the studio or environmentally – colour or black and white, it is up to you.

Creatures Great and Small Photography Competition

Creatures Great and Small Photography Competition

Our world provides us with a rich assortments of creatures both large and small, so this months topic invites entries that depict all creatures great and small.

Places that Inspire Photography Competition

Places that Inspire Photography Competition

This month’s travel photo competition is Places that Inspire. This is your opportunity to show us your best travel images, anything from urban images, beautiful vistas, cityscapes, landmarks, places of interest and secret locations to name a few. Anything that inspires you.

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