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April Photographic Competitions – Open to both members and non-members alike

The Societies are pleased to launch April’s Photographic Competitions.

We would like to thank all those who have previously entered The Societies’ monthly photographic competitions. This month we launch another three competitions for you to enter and we look forward to seeing more stunning images.

Entries are invited from everyone who is interested in photography.

Places to Visit Photography Competition

This competition gives you a fantastic chance to enter images that depict people and places from around the world.

Places to Visit Competition

All Things Great and Small Photography Competition

The theme of this competition is ‘All Things Great and Small’ Our world provides us with a rich assortments of creatures, landscapes, nature and wildlife both large and small, so this months topic invites entries that depict ‘all things great and small’.

All Things Great and Small

Monochrome Portraiture

This month’s competition is ‘Monochrome Portraiture’ this can be anything from weddings, children, pets, families, anything that shows the monochromatic essence of the image

Monochrome Portraiture
Everything you need to grow your Photography business.

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