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Professional Imagemaker August – September 2024 now available online

Professional Imagemaker August – September 2024

The August-September 2024 issue of Professional Imagemaker magazine is now available online.

The 92-page issue is filled full of tutorials for photographers, including:

  • Angela Adams talks to Mike Kitchen
  • Serif Affinity Upgrades
  • The Making of One Picture
  • The Ironbridge Gorge – Part 2
  • Montizambert 90 – In Camera Vs Post – Chicken Caviar
  • Julia Boggio – Exposure!
  • Large Scale Printing – Lynne Douglas and Lorraine Finney
  • Wallpaper Printing – Mike McNamee
  • Popular Colours
  • Moreton Corbet, Elizabethan Echoes – Cristina Pascu-Tulbure
  • Exposure and Tonal Correction for Raw Files
  • Gemma Sains – Fellowship
  • Psychology for Photographers – Motivation – Joe Lenton
  • Street Photography – Competition
  • Competition May 2024
  • Competition June 2024

The cover picture is by Kelly Brown FSWPP.

The August-September 2024 issue of Professional Imagemaker magazine is now available online at:

Members gain complimentary access to the Digital Edition as part of their membership.

You can also subscribe to Professional Imagemaker magazine for just £36 a year.

For more information on this photographic magazine, check out the following website: https://thesocieties.net/professionalimagemaker/


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