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Do you have the right insurance cover for your photography equipment?

Aaduki Multimedia Insurance 

Article by Aaduki Multimedia Insurance 

aaduki photo insurance

You’ve set up your photography business. You’ve invested in your cameras, lenses, lighting and other expensive photographic equipment. Your website is up and running and you have bookings – weddings, portraits or maybe commercial shoots.

But what if something happens to your kit? What does your insurance cover? Insurance doesn’t need to be complicated. Let’s take a look at some key questions to consider.

New for old?

We recommend you insure your photography equipment on a new for old basis. But what does that mean? Quite simply, in the event of a claim where a replacement was needed, you would get a brand-new item – not just the current value of your lost, damaged or stolen piece of equipment. If your particular camera, lens or other piece of equipment isn’t made as new anymore, then new for old cover would provide for the nearest equivalent available.

Cover for accidental damage, accidental loss & theft?

We provide a comprehensive ‘All Risks’ policy which covers photographic and computer equipment for accidental damage, accidental loss & theft. Our professional policy covers both leisure and business use of your equipment & includes 90 days per trip worldwide cover, giving you the freedom to take you equipment on holiday or abroad on that all important assignment.

What about studio equipment?

Some photography insurance policies only cover cameras and equipment taken out on shoots. If you have a studio set-up, you need to make sure this is covered too. Our insurance is designed to meet the needs of photographers and videomakers wherever and however you work. We provide cover for lighting, flashes, soft boxes and props – all under one policy.

Will I have to provide lots of information like serial numbers?

At Aaduki, we like to make insurance easy. We only need full details for any items valued at £6500 or more. If you don’t have any single items valued above this, then all that’s needed is the total replacement value of your entire kit.

What about providing purchase receipts?

In an ideal world, having the original receipts for your equipment would be great. In the event of a claim, Insurers do reserve the right to ask for proof of ownership – such as the purchase receipt.

However, we have a simple solution. Take a photo of your items on a dated newspaper and send it to us here at Aaduki. We’ll hold this on your insurance record to be used as proof of ownership in the event of a claim.

What other insurance do I need?

This all depends on your business – the size of your company, type of photography work you do, locations, staff etc. Ask yourself these questions:

What if…

  • Someone trips over your equipment on a shoot?
  • You lose your laptop containing client data?
  • A client is not happy with your work?
  • Something happens to your business partner or a key creative member of your team?

Without the right insurance in place, your business could be at risk.

Aaduki is approved and recommended by The Society of Photographers – we understand the risks you’re exposed to. Talk to us to find out more.

Contact us on 01837 658880
info@aaduki.com | www.aaduki.com

Aaduki and Aaduki Multimedia Insurance and Partners& are trading style of Partners& Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales. No 00497227. Registered office MRIB House, 25 Amersham Hill, High Wycombe HP13 6NU. +44 (0) 3300 940177


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