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New Food Photography Competition is now open.

, New Food Photography Competition is now open.

New for 2023 we have announced a new Food Photography Competition which is open to everyone who is interested in photography.

Entries are invited that show the mouthwatering experience of food encountered through the eyes, before you eventually take in the smell and first bite.

Entry into the competiton is £1 per image but we have arranged some great prizes for the winners.


, New Food Photography Competition is now open.

1st Place
One year Free Membership of any of our Societies – which includes: entry to all of our membership only competitions – unrestricted access to our members’ photography forum – access to our members only Facebook group – listing on our directory – qualifications and distinctions through submission of images – the winner will also receive our magazine Professional Imagemaker for 12 months.


A copy of The Savvy Food Photography Diary 2023-2024 by Emma Dunham

    2nd and 3rd Place
    6 months Free Membership of any of our Societies – which includes: entry to all of our membership only competitions – unrestricted access to our members’ photography forum -access to our members only Facebook group – listing on our directory – qualifications and distinctions through submission of images – the winner will also receive our magazine Professional Imagemaker for 6 months.

    Access to The Food Photography Academy (Facebook Group) by Emma Dunham

    Please check the rules and iinformation on how to enter ny clicking here

    Everything you need to grow your Photography business.

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