
Home » Blog » Trevor and Faye Yerbury’s 2016 Location Seminar ‘Yerbury Classic Nudes’ – Now Sold Out

Trevor and Faye Yerbury’s 2016 Location Seminar ‘Yerbury Classic Nudes’ – Now Sold Out

Trevor and Faye Yerbury’s Location Seminar “Yerbury Classic Nudes” proves to be popular with photographers.

Selling out 3 months prior to the Convention, the 15 delegates are in for a real treat.

Trevor and Faye will also be hosting a Masterclass at the 2016 Convention. “Talking Portraits” will be held in the Westminster Suite on Sunday 24th Jan 2014 at 14:00.

If you are looking to book a particular Superclass or Location Seminar, we advise you to book as soon as possible as places are becoming limited with the run up to the Convention.

For more information on our annual Convention please see: https://thesocieties.net/convention/


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