
Home » The Societies’ Photographer of the Year 2015 – Award Winning Images » Master Awards 2015

Master Awards 2015

To achieve a Masters Award you have to give back to the Societies, this can be done by writing articles in the Professional Imagemaker, mentoring, judging or speaking at The Convention. Each element gains points and you need to gain 2,500 to achieve this Award. Masters can be gained in any of the Societies and are only presented at the Convention Awards Dinner.

 Peter Ellis
Master Award
Phil Jones The Societies’ CEO with Peter Ellis
 Llewellyn Robins
Master Award
Phil Jones The Societies’ CEO with Llewellyn Robins
Damian McGillicuddy
Grand Master 2nd Bar.
Phil Jones The Societies’ CEO with Damian McGillicuddy
Trial Membership