
Home » The Societies’ Photographer of the Year 2013 – Award Winning Images » Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2013

Bridgena Barnard

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2013

Bridgena Barnard

Winner: Bridgena Barnard

A very strong category. The image captures a critical moment when the Tomson Gazelle is petrified before the kill.

Bridgena was making small talk with a couple in the vehicle next to her when the Cheetahs started their stalk. As she ran between the vehicles towards the riverbed dilemma struck – the vehicle was facing the wrong way! With speed and accuracy the driver made a 3 point turn and manoeuvred through the fleet of vehicles in reverse towards the riverbed. Window mount still on the other window, 1.7 converter still on the 500 lens, yet she got the shots. Within seconds every thing was over.

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Bridgena Barnard
Chris Blaser
Chris Chambers
Kevin Sharpe
Phil Hargreaves
Tony Galic

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