Gary Hill

Gary Hill

Gary Hill is a Fellow of the Societies with a panel of portraits alongside an Associate Qualification in Fashion and Glamour. Also, a Fellow of the British Insitute Of Photographers and a Master Craftsman of the Guild Of Photographers.

From the North West of England but now based In the South, often found touring the UK, he has 14 year’s experience as a full time professional, giving a wealth of experience shooting male and predominately female subjects in genres from high fashion, fine art to families.

A well know speaker, judge and educator he has been involved with the societies and other photographic organisations both in the UK, Europe and America, delivering classes and tutorials. A Global Ambassador for Click Props, Elinchrom, The Flash Centre, Digitalab, Remember My Baby gives the opportunity to showcase his work and skillset. A well know speaker, judge and educator he has been involved with the societies and other photographic organisations both in the UK, Europe and America, delivering classes and tutorials.

A winner of numerous awards, Photographer of The Year Titles and a well known and International Judge both for the Societies and for other Organisations.
Mentor of over 50 award winning photographers across the UK and Abroad with a wealth of experience in educating people to improve their standard of photography.
He is well known for being a supporter of improving standards within the Industry. Currently working with Click Backdrops to develop the industry further.

From Concept to completion – Bringing an Image to life!


How often do we as creatives have ideas, but do not have the thought process on how to bring an idea to life to then photograph and print? In this Superclass you will be shown ways of bringing that initial idea from a thought to a final print. From creative brainstorming, the use of AI […]


Kick Ass Portraits in Seconds – learn the art of the Portrait


Bored of the same old, not quite nailing those portraits like you see others doing? Come and join in this masterclass in how to approach lighting and shooting simple but effective portraits that have that wow factor without complicated sets and huge lighting set ups. Master basic lighting patterns, effective metering and measuring and use […]


The Societies of Photographers Excellent TrustPilot

Corporate Partners

Aaduki Photographic Insurance Loxley Colour - Professional Photo Printing Services PermaJet - The Inkjet Paper and Canvas Specialists The London Photography & Video Show Elinchrom Studio & Portable Lighting