Emily Hancock

Emily Hancock

Emily Hancock is a highly accomplished fine art photographer and mixed media artist with a career spanning over two decades. Throughout her artistic journey, Emily has honed her expertise in the realm of fine art photography, gaining international recognition for her exceptional work.

With a keen eye for capturing the essence of her subjects, Emily’s artistic compositions seamlessly blend photography with various artistic elements, resulting in mesmerizing and emotive pieces. Her ability to infuse her art with narratives and evoke powerful emotions sets her apart, captivating a global audience.

Emily’s artistic prowess extends beyond creating captivating artworks. She has cultivated a strong presence in the business world, collaborating with clients worldwide to create bespoke art pieces for their commercial businesses and personal interior design needs.

In addition to her artistic pursuits, Emily is also an accomplished speaker, generously sharing her knowledge and expertise. With a focus on marketing and selling art, she provides invaluable tips and techniques to fellow artists and creative entrepreneurs. Drawing from her own experiences and successes, Emily offers insights into effective strategies for promoting and selling artwork in today’s competitive market.

Unleashing Your Creativity: How to Create Art that Sells

Mouton Cadet

In this presentation, Emily invites participants onto a transformative journey to unlock their creative potential and craft work that is distinctly their own. Through a series of strategies and ideas, Emily will guide attendees in navigating their own creative direction with purpose. Participants will learn how to break free from the constraints imposed by themselves […]


Generating passive income from your Photography

St Julien

Join Emily Hancock ARPS, FBIPP for an insightful workshop “Generating Passive Income from your Photography”. Delving into various avenues such as selling fine art prints, licensing your work, and engaging in high-end stock photography, Emily offers a comprehensive exploration of strategies for cultivating passive revenue streams from photography. Drawing from her extensive experience, Emily shares […]


The Societies of Photographers Excellent TrustPilot

Corporate Partners

Aaduki Photographic Insurance Loxley Colour - Professional Photo Printing Services PermaJet - The Inkjet Paper and Canvas Specialists The London Photography & Video Show Elinchrom Studio & Portable Lighting