Anne Thomas

Anne Thomas

Anne is a personal branding photographer who has developed a style of storytelling, for herself and her clients, which has attracted the attention of photographers and business owners far and wide. She believes that the only way to attract the people we really want to work with is through story – and more importantly – through the emotion sitting behind the stories.

Storytelling now plays a key role in Anne’s business – and she regularly draws upon personal stories for her marketing to show empathy, to position herself as the expert in her field, and to communicate that she has the solution to the problem – taking potential clients on a journey so that they know they are investing in the right photographer for them.

Anne lived in Kuwait for 12 years, and it was here that she learned to listen, empathise and show compassion, often in buckets – and opened her eyes to storytelling in its rawest form.

It’s this early experience of embracing Middle Eastern life that has shaped her passion and skills for storytelling, which she is able to bring to life through her storytelling coaching with photographers, and the personal branding photography shoots with her clients.

When Anne isn’t sharing stories, you’ll find her at CrossFit – which is where she holds another belief system: to run a successful photography business, you need to be the strongest version of yourself that you can be – both physical and mentally!

The Empathy Post: how to make sure it speaks DIRECTLY to your dream clients

St Julien

In this Masterclass, Anne will show you how to craft an empathy post for social media that will talk DIRECTLY to your dream clients. There are many different kinds of posts you can write for your marketing, but the empathy post is one of the most effective pieces of content you can write – and […]


How to Use Storytelling to Market Your Photography Business

Llande and Talbot

In this class, Anne will walk you through the different elements of storytelling to market your photography business – giving you a structure that you can take away and use over and over again. – What makes a good story? – The headline, the hook, the problem, the solution, the guide, the call to action […]

Business School

The Societies of Photographers Excellent TrustPilot

Corporate Partners

Aaduki Photographic Insurance Loxley Colour - Professional Photo Printing Services PermaJet - The Inkjet Paper and Canvas Specialists The London Photography & Video Show Elinchrom Studio & Portable Lighting