Fiona Elizabeth

Fiona Elizabeth

Internationally Acclaimed, Fiona Elizabeth, Founder of The Wedding Photography Mentor, has a passion for helping photographers grow and scale both in business and creativity. As a wedding and portrait photographer Fiona Elizabeth is no stranger to the challenges we face as creatives. Her career stretches over two decades, and during that time, life lessons have taught her resilience and compassion. Challenges are opportunities for growth. Fiona is committed to continuous learning and improvement by developing the spirit of excellence. Fiona believes in maintaining high-quality standards and applying effective tools to inspire others, live with purpose and enhance business and creativity.

Embrace the challenge of being Creative Competitive


In today’s competitive landscape, where clients often double as competitors, it is essential to infuse creativity into one’s craft to distinguish oneself in the market. By surpassing and mastering their skills, individuals not only meet but exceed the expectations of their clients, delivering images that resonate deeply and leave a lasting impression. With the burgeoning […]


The Societies of Photographers Excellent TrustPilot

Corporate Partners

Aaduki Photographic Insurance Loxley Colour - Professional Photo Printing Services PermaJet - The Inkjet Paper and Canvas Specialists The London Photography & Video Show Elinchrom Studio & Portable Lighting