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All Boards and Topics on this forum are only available to view by registered members.
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Ever wanted to get first-hand help and advice from professional photographers? Then The Societies of Photographers forum is the place to be.
With new member registrations pouring in every day, the Forum is now well established with topics on just about every conceivable angle of photography and provides the information and help that photographers want.
To enjoy the benefits of the Forum, you have to be a member of The Societies. To find out about the many other benefits available to you, then visit here.
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Simple Machines wants to thank everyone who helped make SMF 2.1 what it is today; shaping and directing our project, all through the thick and the thin. It wouldn't have been possible without you. This includes our users and especially Charter Members - thanks for installing and using our software as well as providing valuable feedback, bug reports, and opinions.
And for anyone we may have missed, thank you!
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